parents of Ascension Lutheran School
Parents of Ascension Lutheran Students, or “PALS” is Ascension Lutheran School's parent/caregiver volunteer organization. Those who volunteer support the school, students, and parents by coordinating and financing special programs that enhance and supplement the school's educational and spiritual curriculum while promoting fellowship among families.
The volunteers work under the supervision of or in collaboration with the Principal, Director, teachers, and the Ascension School Board. Every parent/caregiver of an Ascension Lutheran ECC and TK-8 student is a member of PALS. PALS typically meets once a month and plans and conducts social events and fundraising activities throughout the school year.
Volunteer Opportunities
To volunteer or for more information about PALS, please email Sara Wallace.
PALS Board: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
Room Parent Coordinator: Liaison between teachers and parents, attends PALS meetings & passes along information
Classroom Fun Organizers (CFOs): Plans and organizes class parties & communicates upcoming events
Fellowship Event Team: Plans fellowship events such as Muffins with Moms and Donuts with Dads
Used Uniform Team: Plans used uniform sales throughout the year
Movie Night Team: Coordinates movie night, concession stand, & lines up volunteers
Flyer Designer: Creates flyers for upcoming events to email, post & distribute
Fun Run Committee: Committee organizes the jog-a-thon fundraiser in February
Trunk or Treat Team: Team organizes Trunk or Treat celebration in October
Aloha Day Team: Coordinates end-of-year fun day, reserves vendors & lines up volunteers
Essential Ascension Team: Plans fun things for teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week
Auction Gala Committee: Committee organizes Auction Gala held in April and includes live auction chair, silent auction chair, decorations team, photography team, auction party coordinator & donations team