Accepting Applications
We are delighted you are considering Ascension Lutheran Elementary School. We continue to accept applications throughout the school year. For more information about spaces available contact:
Connie Angress
Admissions Manager
cangress@alschool.org | (805) 496-2419
If you have not already done so, we invite you to schedule a campus tour.
Transitional KindergartenAscension Lutheran Elementary School offers a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) designed to increase children’s academic, social, and developmental readiness for the challenges that await them in subsequent grades. TK students enjoy a full and rich day from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM. They engage in hands-on learning of standard academics as well our Specialty Programs. At Ascension, the appropriate candidate for TK is one who is a bit young to start Kindergarten but is excited and ready to begin exploring kindergarten concepts. TK acceptance is based on age, assessment, preschool recommendation, and parent/teacher conversations. Highlights of the Grade-Year Built into each day are three opportunities for outdoor exploration time and includes participation in our Nature Explore certified Outdoor Classroom program TK students participate in weekly Chapel with all other grades at Ascension and look forward to meeting their Chapel Buddies from the upper grades The TK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade play is a chance to show off our performing arts skills for an audience of family and friends Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts TK students develop pre-literacy skills including letter and word identification, phonological awareness, and increased vocabulary. Class instruction focuses on concepts of print and understanding that print has meaning. Students hear and interact with both literature and information texts. Their ability to communicate grows as they learn to use language to express ideas. Math In math, TK students learn numbers to 20, work with groups of 10 objects, compare groups, sort and classify objects, work with patterns, basic measurement, and a variety of shapes. In preparation for Kindergarten, TK students are introduced to mathematical symbols and elementary problem-solving. Social Studies In social studies, transitional kindergarteners are busy learning about their local community, their family, and themselves. We look at a variety of adult occupations and community helpers, learn how to show respect for other's ideas, and help students develop a sense of place within their world. Science TK science instruction focuses on observing, describing, and making predictions. Students explore topics in physical science, life science, and earth science including describing properties and characteristics of objects, observing plants and animals in their habitats, and learning about Earth's natural resources.
KindergartenIn Kindergarten, our goal at Ascension Lutheran Elementary School is to help each child discover the magic of learning. Together we find out about the world around us by working collaboratively as well as independently and engaging our minds, hands, and creativity! Our Kindergarten students enjoy a full and rich day from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM. They are busy engaging in hands-on learning in both standard academic subjects as well as in our Specialty Programs. Entering Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by September 1. Highlights of the Grade-Year Kindergarteners look forward to being matched with a Chapel Buddy from one of the upper grades The TK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade play is an exciting production to practice for and put on the show! Students in kindergarten celebrate special milestones like the 100th Day of School, Thanksgiving Feast, and Teddy Bear Week Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts In Kindergarten students are encouraged to select "just right books" that interest them, and along with our phonics program, they step into reading. Kindergarteners begin to learn how to write and publish their first books in the genres of personal narrative, informative how-to, and persuasive writing. Math In Kindergarten math, students learn number sense, to represent, count, and write numbers up to 20. Addition and subtraction is introduced along with 2D and 3D shapes, concepts of measurement, and classifying and sorting data. Social Studies In social studies the focus and theme for the Kindergarten year is on "my world near and far". Students learn about members of our community, what are rules, how we learn and work together, and an introduction to our government. Science Our hands-on, investigative science curriculum takes students on scientific, problem-solving adventures beginning in Kindergarten. They are introduced to the concepts of forces (pushes, and pulls), sunlight and weather, and the needs of plant and animals.
1st GradeFirst grade is a growing year full of discovery as the students become involved and inquisitive. Each unit of study holds new challenges and a chance for the first grade student to interconnect their learning in experiential, hands-on ways. Students discover their strengths, talents, and passions and bring those into all they do and learn. Highlights of the Grade-Year Students in first grade thrive as they get to know their Chapel Buddies and become comfortable and confident on campus Participating in the TK, K, and 1st grade play is always a fun production Students participate in such events as the spelling bee, the speech meet, 100th day celebrations, a Christmas musical, field day, and many others First grade students share and celebrate their writing together and often with other students from different grades Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts 1st-graders make a substantial leap in reading as they learn to read fluently and accurately. Phonics study and spelling work help students develop strong decoding skills in reading. Children enjoy reading with the whole class, small groups, a partner, and independently. Students become confident, successful writers creating informational and how-to pieces, persuasive and personal narrative pieces. Students work on penmanship to master all capital and lower-case letters using proper form. Math The hands-on math program in first grade builds a strong foundation. Students learn place value of numbers to 100, facts of addition and subtraction up to 20 along with strategies, compare and order numbers, are exposed to graphs and data, and will be introduced to time concepts. The curriculum also introduces double-digit addition and subtraction, geometry, and measurement. Social Studies In social studies students learn about being members of different groups, where we live, how we all work together, being a good citizen, and people who’ve influenced our nation. Geography is also introduced as students investigate continents, specifically the North American continent and where California is located. Science The science curriculum prompts 1st-grade students to investigate real world issues and includes hands-on inquiry and investigation. Three major units include animals and plants and their offspring and defenses, the spinning earth and the day and nighttime sky, and light and shadow.
2nd GradeSecond grade is a warm environment for growth and discovery, gaining knowledge, making mistakes and learning from them. Students in 2nd grade learn that God made each of us different and special in our own way and each of us can contribute to the community. The 2nd-grade class has lots of fun together singing songs, acting out skits, writing informational books, building mathematical models, or conducting science experiments! Highlights of the Grade-Year Students go on a reading adventure as they dive into important literature. Together as a class we read texts like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Magic Tree House's Dinosaurs Before Dark We do book reports the modern way! Students perform skits, make posters, and organize digital Jamboards to show what they learned Second graders polish printing skills and begin to learn cursive! They love crafting fun narratives and researching favorite topics for Writers’ Workshop In 2nd grade, students learn all about people who have made a difference like Martin Luther King, Jr. Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts Reading fluency and comprehension skills are strengthened by reading fiction and nonfiction in groups and individually. Phonics focuses on mastering long and short vowels, consonant clusters, digraphs, and diphthongs, and students master weekly word lists to improve their spelling. Writing focuses on complete sentence structure, paragraphs, personal narratives, informational and persuasive pieces, as well as the study of grammar concepts including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 2nd-graders polish printing and are introduced to cursive writing. Math In math second grade students work through solving two and three-digit addition and subtraction problems with regrouping. Data and graph types, money and time, measurement, simple fractions, and geometric properties of 2D and 3D shapes are taught in an engaging program that incorporates manipulatives and real-world problems. Social Studies Social studies in second grade focuses on being responsible and a good citizen, introduces early American history, works with maps and geography, and features people in history who have made a difference. Students are introduced to laws, the organization of the US government, and economic principles. Science Second graders explore plant and animal relationships and how they rely on one another in their habitat, get their hands messy learning about mixtures and properties of matter, and become amateur geologists to investigate changing landforms as part of our engaging, investigational science curriculum.
3rd GradeIn 3rd grade class community is emphasized. Students feel proud learning and developing alongside their peers and nurtured in Ascension’s family-like environment. Third grade is fun and engaging because learning is differentiated with the unique gifts of each learner in mind. Learning in third grade is reinforced with technology and real life hands-on experiences. Highlights of the Grade-Year Third graders receive an Ascension Lutheran School assignment book which is an important step towards developing organization and self-management skills Readers' Workshop book groups are an exciting time to work in a small team with peers to read, analyze, and report on a text together In social studies 3rd-graders dive deep into learning about the native people of California including details about life and customs of the local Chumash tribe Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts Students read and comprehend literature and by engaging with books at their reading level and using a variety of strategies including understanding the elements of the story mountain. Our third graders work towards being able to independently author interesting, well developed writing pieces in the genres of personal narrative, informative, and opinion/persuasive. Math In math 3rd-graders review addition & subtraction properties and apply this knowledge to more complex problems. They master multiplication and division facts, continue to expand their knowledge of data and graphs, and dive deeper into measuring length, volume, mass, and telling time. Comparing fractions and calculating area and perimeter are introduced. Social Studies Social studies begins by looking at communities, regions, resources, and people. Students spend time learning about the past including California's first people and tribal traditions. Our year concludes with an understanding of the roles of local and national government and the value and pride of being a citizen. Science Third grade science is a combination of hands-on explorations and critical analysis. Students tackle challenging investigations on the topics of forces and balance, genetic traits and environmental influences on organisms, and different weather and climate patterns.
4th GradeFourth grade is a year of tremendous growth as students prepare for their scholastic future by becoming more organized, responsible, and independent while learning to work collaboratively on group projects. The 4th-grade curriculum extends beyond the academic, weaving in artistic projects, music, and faith to create a year of enriched learning experiences. Highlights of the Grade-Year The 4th-grade “Gold Dust or Bust” production reinforces our California history curriculum and ties in music and performance arts skills Students learn about the California missions and display their hand-crafted, mission projects during the spring Open House for all visitors to enjoy The Sacramento field trip is the yearly highlight of the 4th grade experience Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts In 4th-grade the focus in reading shifts to comprehension and application of reading skills. Vocabulary is emphasized through core literature books and often artistic projects are incorporated to enhance literature studies. Our writing curriculum encourages students to develop their own voice and personal style. Students look forward to writing an extended, informational piece about a California mission. Math Students in fourth grade learn more complex logic and reasoning with emphasis on addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, graphs, data, problem-solving, fractions, probability, and geometry. History California history and geography is the focus in 4th grade. Students learn about the California missions and Spanish rule and hand-craft a model of one of the 21 historic missions. In geography, students study the different regions in the state. Science Fourth graders master new science concepts through hands-on explorations in our phenomenon-based science curriculum. Units include energy conversion, principles of light, Earth science, and principles of sound. Critical analysis and application of learned concepts are extended beyond the classroom in our Makerspace and Outdoor Classroom.
5th GradeBeing a fifth grader means being a more independent learner. It's an exciting year of changing classes and teachers as students grow towards becoming middle school students. Homeroom time is a time to relax and exchange jokes and riddles or tackle fun brain teasers with teachers and peers. Highlights of the Grade-Year Outdoor education and off-campus learning is an exciting part of being in fifth grade. Field trips may include: Huntington Library and Gardens, and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Fifth graders receive a locker assignment, a fun, new responsibility Students can run for the office of secretary or treasurer on Student Council We look forward to meeting our Chapel Buddies and helping to lead the weekly Chapel service After-school athletic teams are a highlight for many fifth grade students Key Learning Objectives English Language Arts Students in fifth grade engage in more challenging literature as the prepare to enter middle school. They learn to compose reports on class required fiction and non-fiction texts. Students write persuasive essays with varying topics and continue to write informative and narrative pieces. We focus on 3 novel studies this year. Math Fifth grade math works with all operations using whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Units employ problem solving and algebraic thinking to build perseverance and endurance in math. We continue to use manipulatives and hands-on activities and introduce math journals for taking notes. History History is an exciting adventure starting with the units on Ancient America and continuing through Westward Expansion. Students learn the 50 states and regions, Native American tribes, early exploration, the English colonies, democratic ideas including the American Revolution, conduct an Oregon Trail simulation, and discuss current events. Science Our science curriculum includes hands-on investigations, vocab-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to inspire students to think, read, write, and argue in the science and engineering world. Fifth graders learn about the sun, stars, and Earth's movement; matter, molecules, and mixtures; Earth's water system, and ecosystems.
“My family has been a part of the Ascension school community for 12 years. The inclusive and loving atmosphere has allowed my children and family to thrive in ways I could never expect. Their teachers inspired them to rise to their best by teaching with love and compassion. They are well prepared academically, spiritually, and emotionally for life beyond this amazing school. They are confident in their abilities and rooted in their faith. Sending our kids to this school was the best decision we ever made!”
- Caroline, Parent
"We have been a part of the Ascension family since 2017. It has felt very amazing to be a part of this close community, especially during the trying times of 2020. The Ascension Advantage was in part showcased during the pandemic, which was so incredibly important to all of our children, but this is not where it begins; nor ends. Through all this turbulence, they have been able to shift their learning philosophy to a 21st century learning model in which our children are really flourishing. Being a certified nature explore classroom, the outdoor classroom and teaching garden are a very special part of Ascension. This is one of my daughter’s favorite features of the school. Ascension’s continued effort to grow, learn and develop as a school is exactly what I want for my child as a human being. We feel very blessed to be at Ascension Lutheran School."
- Sean, 2nd grade parent
"The care and quality of the teachers and staff are extraordinary! My son thrived not only academically, but personally and socially in so many ways that we never anticipated! Their energy and commitment is to not only develop my son into being a good student, but also into being a good person. We are so thankful for the Ascension community and could not imagine him attending anywhere else, and now we look forward to my daughter attending next year as well!”
- Traci, 4’s preschool and 2nd grade parent